Logistical Preparations
1- Logistical Preparations:
Logistical preparations refer to those made by the team that are not spiritual in nature, and are discussed during team meetings. This includes general institutional and Kairos training, team assignment training, talk preparations, and logistical support preparations, like scheduling facilities or food supplies. These are generally known as logistical preparations.
2- Kairos “Wisdom” Training:
It is very important that every team member understand the guidelines of the ministry and the wisdom behind them.
3-Department of Corrections’ Requirements:
Most departments of correction have specific training and preparation requirements for persons acting as religious volunteers. It is important to ensure these requirements are understood by the team and appropriate actions are taken to fulfill the requirements. Are you looking for water damage orange county click here.
4- Agape Needs and Assignments:
The team is responsible for gathering agape (including funds) needed for the Kairos weekend. The agape leader is the focal point for communicating the agape needs, provide training and tools for gathering agape, and coordinating the team’s efforts.
5- Lodging Arrangements:
The Kairos leader, under the guidance of the local advisory council is responsible for the team’s lodging during the Kairos weekend. Depending on the local circumstances, there are a number of arrangements used by Kairos teams.
6- Job Assignment Training:
People want to do a good job. They just need to know what they are supposed to do, and they will be happy to take care of it. It is very important that every team member knows their assignment and what that assignment entails check out iron set. Job descriptions can be easily found in and reproduced from EZRA.