Preparing the Leader
STEP 1. Experience
So what makes a good leader? To be truthful a good leader has the right blend of Kairos experiences, with a balance of spiritual nature and administrative skills. The problem is that very few of us can readily proclaim that we have all the expectancies we need to be a good leader.
So what do we do? You should rely on the gifts God has provided in the lives of the Team members. You should delegate responsibilities so God’s best can be provided to the team.
STEP 2. Advanced Kairos Training (AKT)
You are required to attend and complete a scheduled AKT “Advanced Kairos Training” event. It is strongly suggested you attend 12 months prior to the Weekend. Although these training events are conducted at locations across the US and internationally, West Virginia tries to have an AKT annually.
STEP 3. Institutional Level Training
The local Advisory Council is responsible for ensuring the assigned Leader is fully informed of the specific requirements of the ministry at the local level. The Institutional Liaison will update the Leader and the Advisory Council about any institutional changes since the last Weekend.
On arrival at the institution the team will be meet with the appropriate institutional staff for an orientation and will be given Institutional Training.
STEP 4. Advising Leader
Your Advising Leader can be a great source of help through all your journey. Don’t hesitate to involve him/her in your preparing, team meetings, weekend, or retreats etc.